
Applying for a Place at our School

To join our school, your child must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place. Learners who are identified as having additional needs but do not yet have an EHCP, will need to undergo the Education, Health and Care Assessment Request (ECHAR) process. If capacity allows, The Rowan School may support local authorities, families, and learners in gaining an EHCP by offering a short-term placement whilst all assessments are completed. If, following assessment, a learner is given an EHCP, admission will be considered to The Rowan School in line with our Admissions Policy.

We have a formal admissions procedure which is outlined in our Admissions Policy and which ensures we are able to meet a learner’s needs.

Our school works with learners with a broad range of SEND, including Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social Emotional Mental Health, and Sensory and Physical.

Learners can join our school at any time during the school year and will follow a personalised curriculum package to meet their individual needs.

Our caring and committed staff team will spend time getting to know you and your child during a carefully planned transition, to ensure they feel safe, settled, secure, and ready to learn.

Book a personalised tour of our school using our Book a Visit button. Or, alternatively, contact your current provision or Local Authority SEND Co-ordinator for more information about joining our unique and special school.

Learner Case Studies

We love to celebrate our learners’ successes and achievements! We are proud to share with you some of the stories of how the school and our incredible team have supported learners to fulfil their potential.


Thomas has a diagnosis of ADHD, he attended two primary schools previously and the local pupil referral unit.

In Reception there were concerns about his behavioural difficulties, and he was referred to an Educational Psychologist. He was moved from his school in Year One due to difficulties, and despite a positive start in Year 2, he was permanently excluded from school by December. This resulted in a move to the local pupil referral unit attending on a part time basis.

Thomas then joined The Rowan School. As a result of intensive support and a nurturing environment he began to re-engage with school life. By the end of his first academic year with us, his reading, writing and maths working age increased. He made a whole academic year leap within the year, and exceeded in Reading.

Our high staff ratios and nurturing staff allowed Thomas time to talk and express his feelings to others, so he could work through a problem rather than disrupting his own and others’ learning. Thomas was beginning to feel that he could achieve and felt secure within school.

Thomas is now fully integrated within the school. He is able to engage with his peers positively and has made some good friends, which was very important for him. Thomas has formed very good relationships with others within school, he is much more confident, relaxed, and comfortable within the school environment.


Joann was removed from her birth parents and moved to several carers. Joann has a diagnosis of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and ADHD. Joann was eventually settled with her new carer, however, finding a school that could meet her needs, was very difficult due to her physical aggression towards other children and attachment issues. Joann was out of school for 2 years before starting at The Rowan School.

When she first joined our school, Joann struggled verbally to express her needs, and often needed lots of reassurance and guidance whenever there was change. Joann has difficulties in regulating her emotions and this can impact on her ability to express herself calmly and effectively.

Joann is now fully settled at the The Rowan School. She thrives with the routines that are embedded within the school. Joann now works more confidently and will give her full effort to activities presented to her.

Joann has made friends and will play alongside with them. When experiencing difficulties, Joann will use her words and does not revert back to physical aggression towards other children.

Joann has made exceptional progress in all areas. She will read to staff daily, and has increased her independence levels to the extent that she no longer fears mistakes.

Joann has thoroughly enjoyed the visits planned by school, including academic visits and reward visits.


Hayden was excluded from mainstream school in his first term of Reception. His verbal communication skills were limited, his social and emotional skills were significantly delayed compared to his peers. Hayden was moved to another school, but this too ended in a permanent exclusion.

When Hayden started at The Rowan School, he struggled to come into the school building and feared separation from his Mum. He struggled to trust the adults around him.

When at mainstream school, Hayden attended for only one and a half hours a day. Even on such a limited timetable, Hayden struggled and would often need to be collected due to incidents. It took Hayden a month to integrate on a full time timetable at The Rowan School, by which time he was happy at the end of this school day and even asked for his day to be extended!

When Hayden first started at The Rowan School, he could not hold a pencil, could not write at all, and could not read. Hayden had no interest in engaging with other children socially, academically, and would not emotionally attach to anyone.

With daily intervention, Hayden has felt safe and much more confident. As our teaching classes are small, he receives daily phonics sessions, and daily handwriting and reading sessions.

Social skills are key for children to thrive, and circle time has been built into Hayden’s timetable. This has enabled him to make friends with other children and he will now freely socialise with others. Hayden has made many friends and is invited to social occasions with them, such as birthday parties.

Hayden now attends school on a full time timetable, and his attendance is 100%. Hayden attends all assemblies and has gained ‘Good to Be Green’ points to attend all Reward visits.

Hayden had never been on school trip before attending The Rowan School, but since joining us we have been on many visits, including visits to Sedgley adventure Street, Build a Bear, and Botanical Gardens.
