
What our Parents, Carers and Professional
Partners Say About the Rowan School

We are proud to share some of the feedback we have received from members of our school community.

“Since S has been at the Rowan School she has blossomed. If she was still in a mainstream school her progress would, without doubt, have been poor in comparison.

You and your team are doing a remarkable job!”

“My son transferred to the Rowan school after having had a significant time out of a formal mainstream school setting. Although the transition was challenging, the staff expertly supported his needs; allowing him to feel safe, secure, and grow confidence in the setting.

I am very pleased to report that my son is very settled and happy in school. He has made good progress with his work and has developed good friendships. He enjoys lots of exciting school trips, which he earns through the ‘good to be Green’ awards system. And regularly goes swimming with the school, which has encouraged his independence. Being content in school has had a profound impact on his emotional well-being”

“My son has made so much progress. I’m so pleased with his reading skills, and him making friends. Super proud of him.”

“Everyone across the school goes above and beyond and are equally supportive.”

“Since our son arrived at The Rowan School in January 2020 after being excluded from his Mainstream setting, he has gone from being a scared, shy and confused little boy, to being a bright, confident, independent young man. His challenging behaviour has decreased dramatically at both home and at school and we believe wholeheartedly that this amazing transformation is down to all the wonderful dedicated and highly skilled team of caring staff at the Rowan (we just wish he didn’t have to leave to go to Secondary school!). There is a real sense of partnership between home and school, and at the end of every day we are met by the class teacher who will brief us on our son’s progress. It just proves that with the right support for our Special children they can achieve anything.”

“The Rowan School has been an amazing transformational provision for our looked after child. After being rejected from several schools, the Rowan school offered welcoming hands to us.

Rowan were warm empathetic, child centred and understanding. Since our child has been in this school, he has learnt to read, focus and is thriving.

The Principal is a competent individual who always puts the children first. Snita is an asset to the school and demonstrates fantastic leadership and management skills whilst always ensuring to safeguard.

I would like to thank Rowan for their work and commitment with us. As they have helped the child that they have worked with to flourish and to achieve positive outcomes. Thank you so much, your team is amazing!”

“I visited The Rowan School as a representative of Dudley Local Authority. I had the pleasure of meeting a number of students who were eager to share their good work with me. Each student was extremely proud of the work they had completed and every book I looked through was full of excellent work with good feedback from the teachers. As I was shown around the school, all students in the classrooms were engaged and contributing to the lesson. Snita the head teacher is clearly very passionate about her school and every child that attends.”

“The Rowan School is supportive not only of pupils but parents also. Very opening and welcome with a rich diversity of staff and pupils.”

“My child couldn’t read, write or speak when they first started. Within the year she started speaking, reading and writing, and she has come on tremendously.”

“When my child started he could only write his name. He previously did not enjoy his old school, he is now comfortable in The Rowan School setting. The school is open and supportive to both pupils and parents.”